MineCycle Material Handling CONNECT Edition Help


Ribbon: Drawing Aids



Smart Lock

Locks the axis closest to the pointer.

Lock Distance

Switches the lock status for the Distance value.

Lock Angle

Switches the lock status for the Angle value.

Toggle Indexing

Locks the current index state. If an axis or distance is not indexed, indexing is disabled. If an axis or distance is indexed, it is locked.

Lock X

Switches the lock status for the X value.

Lock Y

Switches the lock status for the Y value.

Lock Z

Switches the lock status for the Z value.


To quickly and temporarily rotate the drawing plane.


Rotates the drawing plane to align with the axes in a standard Top view.


Rotates the drawing plane to align with the axes in a standard Front view.


Rotates the drawing plane to align with the axes in a standard Side view.

Rotate X

Rotates the drawing plane 90° about its x-axis.

Rotate Y

Rotates the drawing plane 90° about its y-axis.

Rotate Z

Rotates the drawing plane 90° about its z-axis.

View Rotation

Rotate AccuDraw compass to current view orientation.

Rotate to Element
  • Rotate to Element
  • Rotate to ACS

Rotate to Element - Rotates the drawing plane to match the orientation of a selected element.

Rotate to ACS - Rotates the drawing plane to the current ACS.

Cycle Rotation

Rotates between three main planes: top, front, and side (3D only).

Set Origin

Moves the drawing plane origin to the current pointer position.


Switches between Rectangular and Polar coordinates.

Hold AccuDraw

Suspends AccuDraw for the current tool operation. Selecting a new tool, or entering a Reset re-enables AccuDraw.

Toggle AccuDraw

Turns on/off AccuDraw.